This blog is for and about the Webster family. Each of us want to make choices every day that will result in optimal health and fitness. We represent different generations and different places in life - from empty-nesters to young families to students. Our health goals are as varied as we are, but we want to have a common place to post our progress and our challenges. We will be accountable to each other - to provide support, design incentives, share information we come across, and in general cheer each other on and celebrate our steps toward fitness! If anyone happens upon this blog and is inspired to be more fit and healthy that is icing on the cake. So here we go!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Brooke- Sprint to the finish?

Well the finish date is in close range and I'm not sure about you but I feel like if I were side by side with you on the track I would be up for sprinting to the finish line. Virtually I am having a harder time. Plateaus are no fun and it would seem my dear body has decided that weight wise it isn't going to budge this week. I remain the same as last week on weight. I did lose half an inch on my chest and a quarter inch on my waist but nothing from anywhere else. I also have to admit that I haven't been very faithful to intense exercise (i.e. Shredding) but I have been making sure to get some form of intentional movement in.  I went for another lovely walk in the sun today with the younger boys. Yesterday I walked and did Zumba.

I'm curious to see who wins this challenge. Not looking forward to giving away $10 so I am planning on hitting it hard this week. If not now, when? Isn't the saying Go hard or go home??

Here's to going hard. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brooke, I have been reading a lot about people who wear pedometers and try to get 10,000 steps in a day - that might be sort of fun. They use 10,000 steps because that falls into the 'active lifestyle' category. If you did something like that in addition to an exercise DVD 2-3 times a week it might help you get off that plateau..don't know if it would be something the boys would think would be fun or not too?
