This blog is for and about the Webster family. Each of us want to make choices every day that will result in optimal health and fitness. We represent different generations and different places in life - from empty-nesters to young families to students. Our health goals are as varied as we are, but we want to have a common place to post our progress and our challenges. We will be accountable to each other - to provide support, design incentives, share information we come across, and in general cheer each other on and celebrate our steps toward fitness! If anyone happens upon this blog and is inspired to be more fit and healthy that is icing on the cake. So here we go!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kathy - Racing the Sun

We have been enjoying the longer evenings since Daylight Savings Time began.  Tonight was no exception.  We began our tromp with not a thought of the approaching darkness.  I was quite a bit behind FL, contemplating on why spring cold is so much colder than winter cold, when FL encouraged me to hurry.  He pointed out, in case I hadn't noticed, that the sun was setting.  I decided I had better step it up - after all, the hill is a dangerous place after dark.  And I am not talking about critters - wild or otherwise, I am referring to the large piles left by certain herds of domesticated creatures and large holes left by wild creatures such as badgers and foxes.  Not a safe place to be stumbling around in after dark.  So I hurried and the end of the story is that we made it safely home while it was still light enough to avoid the doggy dangers the beast has made in the yard. I am sure you will all rest easier now. 

Happiest of fitness to you all!

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